Prices Updated October of 2023
Base Price and Total Taxed Cost
Tax Free with Doctor's Note
$15 surcharge for Peak Hours
9am-130pm Start Time 2pm-6pm & Weekends
New Patient - 90 mins $130 ($140.40 w/ tax) $145 ($156.60 w/ tax)
New Patient - 120 Min $160 ($172.80 w/ tax) $175 ($189.00 w/ ta
Existing Client - 90min $120 ($129.60 w/ tax) $135 ($145.80 w/ tax)
Existing Client - 120 Min $160 ($172.80 w/ tax) $175 ($189.00 w/ tax)
Pregnancy Massage - 90 Min $130 ($140.40 w/tax) $145 ($156.60 w/ tax)